Livelihood Plant Cocoa Main activity
Livelihood Plant Cassava Main activity
Livelihood Plant Plantain Main activity
Livelihood Plant Macabo Main activity
Livelihood Plant Coffee Main activity
Livelihood Plant Palm oil tree Main activity
Livelihood Plant Maize Main activity
Livelihood Plant Groundnut Main activity
Livelihood Plant NTFP Trees Main activity
Livelihood New seed variety Main activity
Livelihood Other Main activity
original 10 75
Climate driver Longer rainy season and more wind every year Longer rainy season and more wind every year
Climate driver Increasing dry spells in small wet season and more wind Increasing dry spells in small wet season and more wind
Climate driver Dry spells getting longer and more wind every year Dry spells getting longer and more wind every year
Economic driver More access to urban markets through buyers or periodical markets More access to urban markets through buyers or periodical markets
Economic driver Collective management of forest (small scale logging for community/loss of agr land/community projects and ownership) Collective management of forest (small scale logging for community/loss of agr land/community projects and ownership)
Economic driver Have storage, products processing and collective associations Have storage, products processing and collective associations
Economic driver Appropriate tools for agriculture/mining available Appropriate tools for agriculture/mining available
Social driver More labour available More labour available
Social driver Not enough land for agriculture Not enough land for agriculture
Social driver Training on agroforestry and SWC techniques and wide range of activities available Training on agroforestry and SWC techniques and wide range of activities available
Social driver Distance to NTFP is getting even further away Distance to NTFP is getting even further away